Guide to perfect skincare during winter

  • 4 years   ago

The winter, and the cold weather that comes with it, is here, so it’s time to start thinking about how to protect your skin and keep it nourished and radiant. This may seem like a task that may require many rich products, loaded with various chemicals, however this is not exactly true.

Once you’ve read this article, it will become clear that you shouldn’t need to bombard your skin with strong chemicals, but instead realise the products which work best for your skin and how to use them wisely.

In order to help you, we have prepared a minimalistic guide, which includes only the useful substances and essential products that will help protect your skin.

Wash your face

In the morning, the best thing you can do is wash your face with only water. We strongly recommend not using soap since it can additionally dry out your skin. At the very least, try to stick to the simple, instead of fragrance-based ones.

Furthermore, be careful not to use really hot water or stay in a hot shower for too long, since this particularly upsets the skin balance, thus creating a drying effect. Dermatologists recommend rinsing your skin with cold water, since it constricts pores, keeping our natural oils in, and thus our skin stays moisturised.

Use a Hydrating Cleanser

Even though you can substitute cleanser for cold rinsing in the morning, this won’t be enough for the evening when your skin has to be carefully cleansed from all the bacteria and makeup. Cleansers containing organic coconut oil or Aloe vera will soothe your skin making it shiny and radiant.

If you have dry skin, aside from these oil-based cleansers, we also recommend cream ones that moisturise as they clean, which is particularly important during winter when the skin is dehydrated and when dry patches can easily occur on your face. On the other hand, water-based cleansers are suitable for oily skin, since they won’t make it oilier than it already is.

Don’t forget Sunscreen!

Even though the winter sun doesn’t look as if it could damage your skin, don’t be deceived. It is as dangerous as always. This is why we advise you to apply sunscreen regularly.

Products like Skinstitut Age SPF 50+ are an absolute must during winter, since they will hydrate your skin and protect it from UVA induced premature aging. No matter what type of skin you have is, you will need a sunscreen with a high SPF.

Find a suitable Moisturiser

Moisturise, moisturise and moisturise! This is the key to having beautiful and nourished skin even in the middle of the cold, harsh winter. No matter whether your skin is dry or oily, it will definitely need a moisturiser.

You should certainly take your skin type into consideration and find a suitable one for you. For example, oil-free lotions are best for oily skin, while dry skin needs moisturisers rich in essential oils to soothe and bring skin back to life. However, if your skin is sensitive, don’t overload it with too many chemicals, instead go for gentle oil-free and hypoallergenic formulas.

Face Masks

The last step of the minimalistic care guide we have prepared for you, is a face mask. Unlike the previously mentioned ones, this step isn’t necessary, however it is highly recommendable, especially during the winter months.

There is nothing quite like a homemade mask, since they don’t contain any toxic substances. Our first choice is always an avocado mask, which is perfect for dry, irritated skin. This mask is extremely nourishing and it will supply your skin with all the essential vitamins and minerals it needs.
