Internet and how it has influenced our lives

  • 4 years   ago

The Internet has taken over our world like a storm. It has helped a lot of people and there is a whole flood of knowledge we can get using the internet. Most of the countries in the world have internet access and use it for many purposes. According to a survey, almost 90% of the adults living in the USA have internet. 

Can you even count a few activities that can be done without internet? I know you will say exercise, but wait, can you do the work out without even looking at the digital clock or calculating the steps through your mobile phone?  both these applications are connected with the internet. 

How is the internet useful?

Following are some ways in which the internet has helped us a lot:


The Internet has made the world a global village. You can know any person anywhere in the world and talk to them any time you want. Not only voice but you can also have video chats with your loved ones or have office meetings while being at the comfort of your home. 

For writing research papers, for studying, and to connect with your peers, we need a 24/7 internet connection. Otherwise we will not be able to know what is happening in the academic world. On the other hand, if you are a businessman then you also need internet to connect with your clients and colleagues, gone are the days when we were using the wired phones.    

Shopping Online

This is especially for the people who don’t have markets near their houses or for some reason they can’t go out to buy stuff. You can search the internet for great online stores which include Amazon, BestBuy, and many others. You can add all the products you require to your cart give your address and have them delivered at your homes.

Not only this, but you got some additional perks in online shopping. Amazon for one offers great discounts and has a thing called Amazon quiz where you can solve easy questions and can get a chance to win certain goodies via lucky draw if you answer correctly.


The internet offers a lot in terms of entertainment. You can watch any movie you want, stream videos and play as many games as you want. The best bit is that most of these things are free to do, so you don’t have to spill your cash. The entertainment industries, the signers, and even the comedians can only influence people through internet and some social media applications, now people do not think it wise to visit theaters and cinemas as they can easily watch anything they want without spending a single penny on transport.  


You can learn a lot from the internet too. It has information regarding everything in the world. Many websites tell you about fitness and things to take care of your health and skin and even about the best appliances for your homes etc. One of them is a site called Zotezo. There are many other websites like Pinterest and study-related sites which house immense knowledge

Why is the internet bad?

The Internet is home to a lot of media and content, There is also some content which is not suitable to watch for children so keeping it in check is necessary. Moreover, people can get addicted to the internet and waste a lot of time. Being on the internet for too long makes people lazy and their outdoor activities become zero. But despite its disadvantages, the internet has more positives than it has negatives.

Everything has its bad and good aspects. Yes, the internet has them too but the amount of knowledge, entertainment, and information you can get from the internet outnumbers those negative aspects it has. But mainly these things depend upon the user himself. It depends entirely upon you how you use it, getting addicted to the internet is bad but if you use it productively it is an entire flood of knowledge. Lastly, excess of everything is bad, we need to differentiate these two ideas, that are we using the internet, or the internet is using us? 
