Singapore Food - A Mix of Asian Delicacies

  • 8 years   ago
Singapore Food - A Mix of Asian Delicacies

Food can be regarded as central to the country's ethnic identity and it is something of any national obsession. From the constant subject of discussion and, for most, eating out can be an everyday affair, whether it be at the countless hawker's markets, restaurants or malls.

Singapore is renowned because of its hawker markets, the best destination for exceptional breadth and depth of the country's delicacies. They are series of small stalls often specialising in a single or two personal dishes, often from Chinese to Indian to Malaysian to Peranakan or Nonya style baking.

Nonya cooking is a definite dish that is developed when local Malay women wedded Chinese retailers and labourers. It's the fusion of Chinese-Hokkien ingredients and Malay herbs and spices. The dishes tend to be hot and spicy and many dishes focus on a rempah or spice paste made out of a combo of chilli, spring onion, lemongrass, candlenuts, belachan and turmeric.

Eating is a communal activity, whether it be at home or away at a restaurant. Dining out is often regarded as time to regroup or get together and develop a sense of belonging. Eating together is long considered as a great way to a sense of love, affection. Dining or eating together is given emphasized in many countries due to the traditional values of being united like a common phrase “Family that lives together, eats together”. This is the same reason Singapore has such huge variety of dishes to offer and all the dishes are offered with individual helpings of rice dished up, and shared.

Singapore has many distinctive meals; Here are some of the Singapore food you should eat before you die: otak-otak (fish grilled with coconut milk, chilli paste, galangal, and natural herbs, twisted in a banana leaf); a brand new crunchy salad called rojak; popiah (smooth spring rolls); fish head curry, often eaten from a banana leaf; and the renowned Singapore chilli crab, stir fried with garlic, sugar, tomato sauce, soy chilli and sauce.

Chicken rice which is known as the national dish of Singapore and can be found at any of the dining spot be it hawker centre or high-end restaurant; fried carrot cake a dish that comes in monochrome colours of black or white; laksa a noodle soup dish that offers just the right balance coconut milk and spices. Hokkien Prawn Mee a dish that makes the food lovers coming back for more is a mix of stir-fried noodles that boasts rich prawn stock.

Tropical fruit is a superb way to complete a Singaporean banquet, but a food-obsessed country has a lot of its dessert recipes as well, including bubur cha-cha, a colourful mixture of tapioca, nice| potato, coconut and beans milk.
If you are a food lover you will never run out of food options in Singapore. If you want to go one step further and want try the traditional dishes you should read some Singapore food blog to know about some old kitchen houses that are still carrying on the tradition cuisine.
