104-Year Old Japanese Doctor Recommends These 14 Healthy Pieces of Advice

  • 5 years   ago
104-Year Old Japanese Doctor Recommends These 14 Healthy Pieces of Advice

 Can you believe that there are still people in the world today that live to be over 100 years? Have they discovered the elixir of life or is it just their healthy habits that keep them going for so long? Japanese doctor Shigeaki Hinohara seems to know the secret to longevity as he is alive and kicking and 104 years of age. He’s got an active life back in Japan, has written more than 150 books in his lifetime and gives advice on how to live a long, happy and active life even in today’s modern world.

Below you’ll find 14 advices from Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara on longevity, happiness and healthy living, if you follow them you might be able to achieve what he has:

Stay fit

He says that staying fit is essential for longevity. You need to be physically active at all ages, even if it means walking on a daily basis. But diet is important too, he suggests everyone to follow his example, a glass of orange juice for breakfast with a cup of coffee and some olive oil. For lunch a good choice can be milk and cookies, that what he eats while for dinner it’s fish, veggies and rice. Twice a week it’s good to consume some type of lean meat.


Don’t’ listen to your doctor

Even though he’s a doctor himself, he advises against following your doctor’s advices by the letter. As well-intentional as they may be, often they are more detrimental to your health than beneficial.

Don’t rely on science alone

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara says that science can’t give the answer to every disease and health problem, sometimes we need to rely on alternative medicine to keep us healthy.

Planning ahead

This can help you have a more successful life and keep your brain stimulated. Can you believe that the doctor has reserved a place at the 2020 Olympics in Japan?

Pain is mystic

The good doctor reveals that he believes pain can sometimes even be cured by such simple things like listening to your favorite music and playing with your pet.

Find your inspiration

If you want to live long and be motivated you need to find inspiration in life.

Enjoy every day as if it was your last

Don’t waste your days on Earth as they are numbered, enjoy each and everyone of them and do something useful with your time on this planet.

Always take the stairs

Instead of taking the elevator always try to climb the stairs, little things like this can help you stay fit and healthy.

Don’t worry too much

Don’t worry too much in life, especially for things you can’t change. This will only make you depressed and down, always try to find the silver lining and focus on positive things.

Share your knowledge of life

The doctor has devoted his life to helping other people achieve bliss and well-being and is constantly on the road, giving lectures to people across Japan.

Money isn’t everything

If you’re focused only on the financial aspect of things, you’ll never be satisfied in life. Life is short, don’t spend it chasing money every day, they’ll do you no good once you’re old and sick.

Who’s your role model?

Role models are not just for kids, even elderly people need someone to look up to. Whenever dr. Shigeaki Hinohara is in a tight spot he would ask himself what his father would do in such a situation and this helps him each and every time.

Don’t retire

People who feel good, fit and healthy shouldn’t have to retire. As long as you feel you’re able to work and lead a productive, healthy life you shouldn’t retire.
