Common Health Problems Caused by Water Damage In Fort Myers

  • 4 years   ago

One of the most common health problems caused by water damage is mold. Water can cause many health problems, and mold can cause some serious ones. Water can cause water-related illnesses, including bronchitis and asthma. It can also cause many forms of cancer. Most of the symptoms that can be associated with water-related illnesses are generally short-term, but even long-term illness can be caused by water damage.

Water-related illnesses can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi that entering the water system through leaky pipes, broken water lines, or other means. Mold is an organism that lives in damp environments. Most types of mold are completely harmless, but there are also some types that can cause serious and even life-threatening health problems.

Some of the less common and more severe problems caused by water damage include:

Shortness of Breath. Water can cause dryness and cracked and irritated lungs if the water is not treated properly, but shortness of breath is often caused by respiratory illnesses or diseases that are caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses entering the body through the body's airways.

Soreness and Swelling. There can be swelling and inflammation in the respiratory system caused by a respiratory infection, and these symptoms can often be mistaken for flu or other common ailments.

Dizziness. Some forms of water damage can cause dizziness or nausea as a result of excess humidity, and these symptoms can be confused with the typical symptoms of flu.

Nausea. A form of dehydration is caused when too much saltwater enters the body.

If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention right away. These symptoms can be signs of serious medical conditions and require immediate medical treatment.

If you suspect that you may have any serious water damage Fort Myers in your home, it is a good idea to immediately contact the local fire department to schedule an inspection. They will have the proper equipment and trained emergency personnel to help get your home repaired quickly and safely.

If your home appears to have minor water damage, the first thing that you should do is to get professional advice on what to do next. While most people tend to think that they can handle their own repairs, this may not be the case.

While many people are tempted to try to take care of their home on their own, this is not always the best course of action. You will need to hire professional repairmen to deal with serious issues such as mold and other contaminants.

If you are unsure about the type of water damage to your home is suffering from, a home inspection is a great way to find out what type of damage is present. You can also get advice from someone who has done the inspection before.

Because there is no specific set time period in which a home must be assessed for repair, the damage from water can be extensive or mild depending on the amount and location of the damage. For example, small leaks and mildew could be easily fixed on your own, but a massive flood could require a complete overhaul of the entire home.

The only way to know if the damage has become too extensive is to call a professional to determine what needs to be repaired. This is usually the only way to be sure that it will not ever happen again.

As a homeowner, you should never ignore the possibility of serious health problems caused by water damage. You should always try to keep the water level at a reasonable level and avoid letting any excess of water into the home. If the damage in the home is extensive, you might even consider having the entire home tested for mold.

However, you should also realize that small leaks can sometimes be treated in a matter of hours. A reputable company will test both the main and the backup water supply to determine how much is needed for the home.

If you do find that the damage in your home has caused serious health issues, it is in your best interest to contact the company that performed the testing. To determine the extent of the problem.
