Hormonal Acne Treatment and its Characteristics

  • 4 years   ago

Hormonal acne is exactly acne tied to fluctuations in your hormones. It is associated with hormone fluctuations which occur during puberty, it can affect adults of any age. It is common in women. Many factors contribute to it including Menopause and menstruation. It has been found that 50% of women of the age 20 to 29 have acne. It affects 25% of women of age 40 - 49. 

Expert opinions from Healthy Remedies are mixed, when it comes to hormonal acne treatment . Hormones are not generally a factor in adult acne, hormonal imbalances contribute to acne in adults  with some medical conditions. Adults having acne may not have any measurable hormone issues. This makes  diagnosis and treatment challenging.




Characteristics of Hormonal Acne -

During puberty, in the T-zone, the hormonal acne often appears. This includes your nose, chin and forehead. Hormonal Adult acne forms the lower part of your face. This includes the bottom part of your cheeks and around your jaw line. In some people, hormonal acne takes the form of whiteheads, blackheads and small pimples coming to cysts or a head . Cysts form deep inside the skin and don't show a head on the surface. These are often soft when touched .

Hormonal acne is caused by influxes of hormones during -

● Menstruation

● Menopause

●  Increased androgen level

● Polycystic ovarian syndrome

The hormone fluctuations may aggravate acne issues by increasing -

● Overall skin inflammation

● Oil production in the pores

● Clogged skin cells in hair follicles

● Production of acne causing bacteria Propionibacterium acnes

Is Menopause Acne Hormonal?

Many women begin Menopause in their forties and fifties, this causes a decline in reproductive hormones, resulting in an end to menstruation. Some women suffer from acne during menopause. This is due to a decrease in levels of estrogen or increase in androgen hormones like testosterone. You can experience menopausal acne even if you are undergoing hormone replacement therapy to  ease your Menopause symptoms, because some HRTs use an influx of the hormone progestin to replace the estrogen or progesterone which your body loses. Introducing hormones to your body system may cause your skin to break out. In some cases, prescription medication can clear menopausal acne. Some women get success using natural treatment methods. Consult your doctor about which options are right for you.

Traditional Treatments

Over-the-counter products are not successful unless your hormonal acne is mild. Because hormonal acne takes the form of cystic bumps. The bumps from deep under the skin, out of reach of most topical medications. Oral medications work from inside out to balance your hormones and clear up your skin. Options consist of oral contraceptives and antiandrogen drugs.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives contain ethinyl estradiol plus one of the following :

● Drospirenone

● Norethindrone

● Norgestimate

These ingredients together target the hormones that contribute to acne. This can be helpful during peaks in hormone level,  as during ovulation. Oral contraceptives might not be an option for you if you are suffering from high blood pressure, breast cancer or blood clots. You should also not take this if you smoke.

To clear up hormonal acne it is important to establish an appropriate skin care routine. Though the exact time line varies from person to person, being proactive helps prevent the related breakouts. It requires 8 to 10 weeks for a new acne treatment plan to come into effect. If your acne still  persists , consult your doctor or Dermatologist about a long term treatment plan.
