5 video marketing tips for 2020

  • 4 years   ago

Video marketing is a great way of promoting your business or product. It is important to understand how to make a good video but if you are confused you should outsource animated video creation so that a professional can help you.

The trend right now is personalised videos and it is something that marketers need to get right if they want to experience the manifold benefits. Studies indicate that 72% of consumers say they are more likely to engage with marketing messages that are personalised. Studies also indicate that 60% of marketers identify that personalisation is a key strategy for improving the leads that they generate. 

How can you generate more leads? Tips 

1. Personalised videos enable you to build a relationship with the audience by providing experiences that are relevant to them. This will help you stand out in a crowd and give your consumers a reason to purchase your product by appealing to their need. When you personalise your marketing videos you are able to reach more people effectively by speaking directly to their needs which will save them time when they are looking for a particular service. This will make you more memorable so that when the need arises, your company is the first that comes to mind. 

2. Research shows that 48% of consumers were more interested in videos that inform them about the products and services that they are interested in. Research also shows that 43% preferred if the videos were interactive to allow them to decide on the information that they want to view. 

3. With marketing videos, you cannot assume that one size fits all, data must first be gathered to ensure that you are targeting the right consumers and that you are conveying the correct message in a way that they will understand. You must also engage your audience at the right time so that conversion is increased. In 2020, this approach should be applied more to video marketing. 

Data driven marketing approach 

4. To improve your effectiveness and enable you to be more correct in your approach, you should look at data. This approach isn’t meant to decrease your ability to be creative, but rather to help you focus on your message and how to effectively convey it. 

We are all aware that the human attention span is shorter than a goldfish, although there is not enough evidence to prove this, but this has made marketers relook at the way they market their products, and the length of the videos they produce. In 2020 however, there may be a rise in longer length videos as marketers believe that shorter videos are not apt to create an emotional connection with the viewer, and thus does not ensure that they are memorable. 

So how much time do people spend watching videos?

5. Research has indicated that the average user spends 88% more time on websites that have videos on them, and this reiterates that longer length videos can keep people engaged in the message behind your brand if they are done correctly. 

It is important to keep up with marketing trends and research which videos are more successful in brand awareness so that you can decide how to make your video memorable. 
