6 tips to secure "A" in your next Geometry Test

  • 5 years   ago
6 tips to secure

Mathematics is all about formulas but it’s not entirely true for Geometry. Memorizing formulas will help you secure good grades in Algebra or Trigonometry but geometry is more about understanding the concepts.

Basically, geometry is a subject of different shapes and angles. This involves learning of various theorems, definitions and symbols before it actually starts making sense. Many of these concepts can seem a little overwhelming in the beginning that can also lead students to the  obvious anxiety about the subject. But don’t worry, by combining good study habits and a few tricks, you will definitely secure success in learning geometry. Here are some of those helpful tips, have a look:


Understanding must be your first priority:

Most of the students study just to secure good marks in an examination. They think their job is only to learn how to solve a problem and they keep doing that again and again without really knowing why they are implying that particular concept to a problem. This monotonous way of learning kills their ability of critical thinking.As a parent or teacher, your job is to present a single problem in different manner so that students can analyse the right concept that can fit in.

Drawing is success in Geometry:

As we know, diagrams and angles are everywhere in geometry. Hence to understand geometry, it is always better to visualize the given problem and then draw a diagram. For example, if you are asked about some angles or relationships like parallel line, vertical angles, then it is much easier to see them in diagram. If there is not one provided in question, you draw it by yourself. To succeed in geometry, it is essential to understand the different properties of shapes and visualize them. For this, you have to practice recognizing shapes in different orientation. 

Attend your class regularly and do assigned homework:

For students, class is your place to learn new things and solidify your concepts. You miss one class and you will see how much difficult it is to stay with the current session. Give a quick read to the lesson you are going to cover ahead so that you have questions to ask your teacher. Also, do not forget to complete your homework. Homework is assigned to you so that you can practically implement the topics taught in the class.

Form a study group:

Studying in group is a good way to learn the material and clarify the concepts you are struggling with. So create a group that meets on a regular schedule and this will force you to stay top on a topic and you try your best to comprehend it. If it is not possible to create a group with your classmates, switch to online where you can join many such geometry study groups. Many such online study groups even have online geometry tutoring service to help you guide on a topic you find difficult.

Teach others:

Teaching others give you an opportunity to establish your firm understanding on a particular topic or concept. When you teach others, you get a chance to analyze your knowledge and sometimes explaining others makes concepts more clear to oneselves. So whenever given a chance, take the lead in your study group and explain something you know very well. 

Do lots of practice problems:

As with other verticals of math, practice is a key to get the expertise in geometry. Simply studying the rules won’t get you an “A” in geometry. You need to practice solving problems. Gather practice test series from as many as resources as possible and sharpen your knowledge on the topic. 

There are lots of things to remember in geometry. And you know geometry is everywhere. For circle, think of a Pizza, For cone, think of a Ice-Cream cone and this way geometry becomes more interesting to learn and memorize.

Resource: https://www.etutorworld.com/math/geometry-online-tutoring.html
