Hair Transplant vs Hair Growth Products

  • 4 years   ago

Hair transplant is a surgical method to regain/regrow lost hair. 'Donor area' provides the required hair follicles. These follicles are then applied to ‘recipient area’. Hair transplant technique is a non-invasive technique. The basic purpose of it is to regain/regrow scalp hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and beard hair. It involves removal of hair you already have and then putting these to an area with no hair. 



Types of hair transplant

There are different types of hair transplant procedures. Best known procedures are Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and Follicular unit extraction (FUE). Both techniques are effective, but they can achieve different results in some cases. But, follicular unit extraction (FUE) is more effective and result-oriented.

What exactly FUE means?
A follicular unit extraction involves the removal of the individual follicular unit. A small punch device performs this function. This results in tiny holes in the donor zone. It is non-invasive and healing occurs in 2 to 3 days. You can resume your normal life activities after that.
How FUE works?
Extract donor's hairs one-by-one using a special instrument. 
Once extraction is complete, perform quality control and stereoscopic treatments.
Chill the grafts so that bacteria cannot interfere and cause harm. 
The extracted follicles are re-inserted back into the scalp. 

Why Hair Transplant?

No stitches; Painless as one likes!
FUE technique involves no stitching. That is why donor areas appear unchanged. Moreover, no linear scar appears as compared to other transplantation techniques. It is simply as painless as one likes!
Fast healing
FUE requires a shorter healing time than some other methods. With FUE, patients recover in a matter of days. Moreover, there are minimal restrictions on physical activities after the first few days.
Natural Looking
The advanced FUE method yields natural results. It appears like native hair. Besides, FUE can conceal scars left behind by previous strip harvests. It gives you an opportunity to look natural. 
Fast Recovery
Patients can drive home immediately after the treatment. If some discomfort occurs, mild analgesics help out. As it is non-invasive, so low chances of any infection are present. Recovering fast in a short time is a major advantage. 
Where do hair products stand?
At this point, you might be thinking what is the role of hair products? All hair products claim that they are effective as other hair treatment methods. But the reality is quite different. Many chemicals present in hair products do more harm than good to affect your health. 
Some of these products even come with fake promises. Moreover, the effect of these products is not permanent. You can only get some of the results during the time you are using these hair care products. In this way, these hair care products are putting the burden on your bank account. 
This money burden keeps on mounting every single day. As you have to buy these products from time to time such as blue water and minoxidil. Hair supplements are also associated with health threats. The FDA does not regulate these dietary supplements. Moreover, their manufacturers do not have to provide their safety reports. 
Thus, some of the dietary supplements are even harmful to one vital organ of your body, the kidney. According to researchers, 17 dietary supplements can cause direct kidney injury. 

Why not choose hair products?
Here are the reasons why you should not be using hair care products, backed by science and data. 
They are expensive
All hair care products almost fall in the same price range, and they all are expensive. Every day, some money leaks from your pocket to buy these products. Imagine spending this money every month and the sum would be enormous. An average person consuming these products spends up to £80 and 11 hours per month.
They are not cost-effective
Haircare products are not cost-effective. You better know how much minoxidil, hair serums and other such products cost. Moreover, you have to use many products included in a single treatment regimen. Average hair products consumer spends approximately £55,000 during his/her life.
Their effect is not permanent
The results generated by all hair care products are not permanent. You have to use these products throughout your lifetime to get limited results. In short, spending more money without getting a permanent solution. Not a wise choice to go for!  

They are not comfortable
Applying different hair products during the normal daily routine is not easy. So, these products are not as comfortable as one would like. You have to apply these products at different times on different days. These products come with no comfort. 
It is time-consuming
Applying hair care products is a time-consuming process. It takes a lot of time to apply these products. As said earlier, 11 hours per month is not a wise decision to waste. Time is money, and in this case, both are being wasted. 
Hair tablets are harmful to health
Haircare products contain different chemical supplements that are harmful to human health. Use of these supplements leads to the build-up of dangerous ingredients in the human body. This leads to different unwanted reactions. So, it is not advisable to use hair tablets as results obtained by these are also not permanent.
If hair care products might be dangerous, then what are the positive alternates? This is the right question to ask now. The answer to this is “Hair Transplant.”
Hair transplant is without any discomfort compared to hair products. It is a one-time investment with massive outcomes. You are going to save more money than your expectations. Why waste money on useless and temporary hair products? 
Hair transplant is the best option in many ways. Its cost-effectiveness, comfort and minimal side effects are its hallmarks. Moreover, hair transplant is a permanent and most affordable method. Hair transplant takes only 2 days and then the patient will be comfortable all life. Patients do not have to use any supplement therapy after all. One time pay, all life comfort.
