How AI Can Take Video Gaming to a New Level

  • 4 years   ago

With mobile gaming currently on the rise, gaming as a whole is rapidly increasing and more money is being spent on enhancing the games we have to play. Much of this is being spent on AI, and in years to come we are likely to be in a scenario where artificial intelligence actually makes the games that we play from scratch. 



This year, 25% of iOS apps are games, and the figures are predicting that $90 billion will be spent on mobile games by 2021, with more than one in four people worldwide being considered an active gamer. 

There is a long-standing relationship between AI and gaming, and with the help of advancements in AI technology, gaming can go to the next level. With things such as AI training courses now available, more people will be heading into this industry looking for ways to use it to help others. 

Can Xbox Series X Shrink Download Sizes with AI for Players? 

You may have noticed that over the course of the years as games have become more advanced, they have also become a lot bigger. This means extended download times for players, even those with super-fast internet connections. 

However, thanks to improvements in AI technology, we could see download sizes about to shrink for players of the new Microsoft Xbox Series X. Microsoft has been experimenting with machine learning models, with your machine doing all the work and building the game up from a much smaller file that you would download. 

There has been no confirmation that Microsoft will use this kind of technology inside the Xbox Series X when it finally hits the market, but it is definitely being considered right now. 

The basic idea in principle is that the drawings and graphics for a game would be created in exactly the same way as they are now. Then they would be shrunk down to a far smaller size, to cut down on the download size for players. These would then be built back up to the required size by AI technology in the console while you are playing on the game. 

With all of this being done during real-time play, you aren’t waiting for downloads or hanging around and having time when you can’t play the game. 

Games such as sports games that require a lot of action would be perfect for this kind of technology. For example, the graphics in a horse racing game take up a huge amount of data because they are so complex, covering many different angles and movements of both horse and jockey. 

Horse racing fans can enjoy their games in a much quicker time and that is vital for those who enjoy other aspects of the sport such as betting on it. The best horse racing betting sites are known for their quick navigation times, allowing punters to get a bet on with speed and this is what games need to match. 

With the possibility of download times being cut dramatically, gamers are likely to see in the future a super-fast service that means no more waiting for downloads to appear. 
