Qualities of a Good Exterminator

  • 4 years   ago

If you’re in search of a pest exterminator, there are some key qualities you should be looking out for. Not every exterminator is going to be right for you. It is imperative that you’re doing due diligence if you’re to get the right exterminator. There are some key qualities that a good exterminator should possess and we’re going to highlight some of them.

Positive Reputation

Reputation is everything in the service industry.  If you’re looking for an exterminator, it is important to get one with a good reputation. Establishing the reputation of the company might not be a straightforward process. That is why it is recommended that you’re working with a local company. Such a company will have established a name in the community that it serves and will not do anything to hurt their reputation. Another way you can check the reputation of the exterminator or company is by checking online reviews. As much reviews should be taken with a grain of salt, it can give you an idea of the kind of services that you’d expect from the company. You can also check out third-party websites where it will be difficult to manipulate the reviews.


The experience of the exterminator is something that should never be overlooked. You could be dealing with a serious bed bug infestation and you want someone that will eliminate the problem once and for all. This is where experience will come into play. A company that has been in business for several years is likely to be more experienced compared to one that is just starting out. There are companies like A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Atlanta that have hands-on experience when it comes to pest infestation.


Experience is not the only thing you should be looking at when searching for an exterminator. The person will also need to have the necessary qualifications for them to be considered for the job. Does the exterminator have the necessary licenses needed to offer the services? Dealing with chemicals can be dangerous and that is why not everyone should be doing the job. You should be wary of a company that is not licensed. Such a company is not likely to take responsibility in case something goes wrong. It is also important to make sure that the company is properly insured. It should have both liability insurance and worker’s compensation so that you’re not responsible in case something goes wrong when the exterminator is working on your property.

Good Communication

As a homeowner, you’ll want to know what is happening with the progress of extermination. A good company will make sure you’re informed of the progress of the extermination of the progress. You might have reached out to them wanting to know what could be the problem in your home. Take note of how they respond to your questions or concerns. How long did it take for the company to get back to you? Such things speak volumes about the communication and reliability of the company.


When you’ve been faced with a bed bug infestation, you’ll do everything to make sure it is not happening again. If you’re using an exterminator, they should provide a guarantee. A good company will stand behind their work because they believe in the quality of workmanship. A company that doesn’t offer a guarantee can’t provide an assurance that they’ll take care of the problem. You should move to the next exterminator if the one you intend to work with can’t provide an assurance they’ll completely eradicate the problem.

Get Everything in Writing

You should work with a verbal agreement as it will be hard to follow up in case there is an issue. You might agree on something only for the company to shortchange once the work is complete. Having a written contract will ensure that the interests of both parties are taken care of. You will also have something to refer to in case there is a disagreement with the exterminator.


Getting an exterminator will play a big role if you’re to eliminate the pests in your home. Doing due diligence is necessary is important so that you’re not ending up with a shoddy contractor. There are people who are only interested in money and won’t care about providing quality services. Make sure to ask for references in case you’re not sure of the experience of the company. A company that doesn’t have anything to hide will be more than willing to provide the references.
