Ramadan 2021: 15 Dos and Don’ts for Non-Muslims

  • 4 years   ago
The holy month of Ramadan is kept as an obligatory period for all Muslims to fast and pray to keep up with the Islamic customs. The ninth month of the year is marked as Ramadan to carry out the imperative tradition of doing the good deeds and remembering those who lack essential survival needs.
Muslim devotees keep Ramadan sacred as this was the month the Holy Koran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. During the fasting hours, Muslims tend to not have any food or water from sunrise until sunset. 
Therefore, during this important period where Muslims take their time to fast, there are numerous dos and don’ts for non-Muslims to keep in mind especially while living in Muslim countries like Qatar. Let us look at some of the things you can do and must not do during Ramadan:
Always present yourself modestly with appropriate dress and avoid fancy wears to respect Ramadan.
Treat your Muslim co-workers or friends with utmost respect and understanding as the first few days of fasting will be strenuous for them.
You are not allowed to drink, smoke, or eat in the public during fasting hours. You can do it privately in confined areas or vehicles that can’t be visible. Make sure that it must be done out of the sight of those who are fasting.
Avoid loud music in vehicles or other areas to respect Ramadan.
Some restaurants will be opened during the day until sunset for non-Muslims and those who are not fasting. Always ensure that you eat or drink out of the sight of those individuals who take fasting. 
You can always dine in a closed room during working hours. It is considered to be disrespectful if you eat in an open space. 
Public beaches are always open to exploring and you can wear swimsuits or comfortable dresses in those areas.
Chewing gums are strictly prohibited since it is also considered eating.
If you are traveling, you’re allowed to eat or drink during fasting hours as it is permissible for those traveling, pregnant, and individuals having chronic diseases to be free from fasting.
Children below the age of 14 are allowed to eat or drink in public.
You should always avoid PDA (Public Display Affection) to respect the holy month such as hugging or kissing. However, there is no problem in shaking hands with the opposite gender.
If invited, make sure to attend an Iftar or Suhour as you can build your friendship bond with Muslims in enjoying their festival.
You are permitted to feed your pet animals or birds during the fasting hours as Islam says to be kind to all pets.
If you encounter an ill person in the street, offer him or her a drink, take the person to the hospital or call an ambulance if required. 
You are allowed to join the fasting period if you wish to do so, as Ramadan is a month to do charitable deeds and think of those who lack basic needs. 
