Treating Back Fat with Cool Sculpting

  • 4 years   ago


CoolSculpting is the only FDA-cleared, nonsurgical fat reduction treatment method which offers proven results without having surgery, anesthesia or downtime. This noninvasive, fat freezing or cryolipolysis treatment is a body contouring process that decreases fat cells with final results that are long lasting and visible. CoolSculpting is so safe and effective treatments have been performed worldwide. That is why Laser Body Sculpting is offering CoolSculpting for back fat here in Toronto.





CoolSculpting Is a Nonsurgical Choice to Banishing Back Fat

You have done every physical exercise possible, you have eaten all the right foods but there are just little stubborn areas of fat they seem resistant to anything you do. One such area is the back - you may be as thin as you ever were and still have back fat. How can this be and more significantly, how can you get rid of back fat if regular physical exercise and a healthy diet is not cutting it? The good news is you do not have to go under the knife, there are numerous new noninvasive processes, including the CoolSculpting that may help get rid of that stubborn back fat in this clinic.

CoolSculpting for Back Fat and Bra Bulges

Back fat is annoying and problematic. While other areas of the body seem to respond well to diet and exercise, back fat seems to hang around, literally. Plus, it appears to know no boundaries. Back fat can show up as armpit fat, underarm fat, lower back fat, or the infamous bra bulge. As a result, shirts are tighter or do not fit at all and bras are a nuisance.

coolsculpting back fat in Toronto

CoolSculpting Works

Many of our clients express disappointment regarding past efforts to reduce or eliminate back fat. It looks like nothing works. They are sick and tired of putting in countless hours at the gym or eating healthy only to see armpit fat every time they look in a mirror. All they have to show for their effort is undue stress, disappointment and a lower quality of life. CoolSculpting decreases back fat so clothes fit properly, armpit fat goes away and bra bulge is a thing of the past. Many of our clients report improved levels of self-confidence after seeing themselves in the mirror with no back fat. CoolSculpting works.

What Causes Back Fat?

The hard reality is fat can easily accumulate anywhere on your entire body. Yet, there are specific factors that contribute to fat accumulation in your back. Take a look at the following list and take not of how many apply to you.

  • Poor sleep quality
  • Hormone changes 
  • Excess amounts of cortisol
  • Low physical activity
  • Aging
  • Consuming foods high in sugar, fats and calories
  • Metabolism conditions like hypothyroidism or insulin resistance (pre-diabetes).

Look at some of these contributing factors sheds light on the issue for those who regularly work out and eat healthy, yet still struggle with difficulty back fat areas. It looks like once fat is settles in problem areas, it wants to stay. Fat freezing may be the option for you. Now let us address a couple of other questions that generally occur about the subject of back fat.

For more information you may visit us or go for 249 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2N5 Canada. You may contact with us - 855-653-3131

Treat Armpit Fat and the Front Bra Bulge with CoolSculpting

We can treat armpit fat and the front bra bulge with CoolSculpting but we do need to meet the criteria of each area. Armpit fat is normally straightforward. However, sometimes excess tissue is the outcome of a lipoma instead of extra fatty tissue. Maybe an exam by an experienced clinician ought to be performed to determine the nature of your excess tissue before a CoolSculpting process is initiated.

Bra Bulge

The same is true with front bra bulge. While back fat positioned near the back of the bra is quite straightforward, front bra bulge needs a bit more attention. Before nonsurgical fat reduction for the dreaded bra bulge can begin, an exam by a knowledgeable clinician must be performed to figure out whether the area is indeed merely excessive fat or glandular breast tissue. Once the exam is finished and determinations are conclusive, your CoolSculpting procedure may be scheduled.

CoolSculpting Back Fat Before and After

Body Sculpting clients who were treated with our CoolSculpting treatment to reduce back fat can easily feel the result. Remember, each individual is unique so outcomes will vary and not all results are typical. Clients can see how much of a difference CoolSculpting made for these individuals. You can feel the difference by seeing CoolSculpting back fat before and after treatment.

CoolSculpting Back Fat Cost

At Laser Body Sculpting, we understand the cost of CoolSculpting back fat and other problem areas is most likely the biggest factor in your decision. Usually the cost of a treatment session on your back fat would range between $600 and $2,500 based on how many areas you are getting treated. Generally, we get feedback from potential fat freezing candidates saying they desire we had prices readily available online. To be fair, if we could we would. However, this is not possible due to scope. Back fat encompasses several areas and each area has its own set of particulars and challenges.

Pricing Model

Therefore, one potential client may need a price for armpit fat removal while someone else needs a price for bra bulge. Due to the particulars in these examples and fat freezing in general it is impossible to use a “one size fits all” pricing model.


The CoolSculpting costs for back fat are dependent upon how many applicators are required and the size of each. Fat freezing patients may require more than one session or applicator. Discounts apply for multiple sessions or treatments. Call for special pricing and details.

Reviews of Back Fat CoolSculpting

Whether our clients have CoolSculpting to address back fat, front bra bulge or armpit fat, their opinions speak volumes. Our clients are overwhelmingly happy even recommending their process to friends and family members. To read what Laser Body Sculpting patients have to say about their results, visit our website.
