Types of Acne Scars: The Best Acne Scar Treatment Ways for You

  • 4 years   ago

Acne breakouts can be depressing, and they can also leave scars on the facial area and other areas of the entire body. Some people find that acne scars is an unwanted reminder of an unpleasant and bothersome condition. If acne scars bother you, safe and efficient treatment is available. Treatment can diminish acne scars that cause depressions in the skin area. Treatment can also safely reduce raised acne scars. However, acne scars do not have to be long-term. Many treatments are available. Some home remedies, and best medical treatments can help get rid of them.




A generalised expression, acne scarring can be used to refer to a multitude of various marks that a breakout may leave behind. Acne scars come in several forms, explains Pamela Marshall, Clinical Aesthetician & Founder of Mortar & Milk. They can show up as pigmentation, or as rolling, boxcar and ice-pick scars.

Types of Acne Scars:

Suitable treatment methods may vary slightly depending on the type of scarring that acne has generated. There are many types of acne scars:

  • Atrophic scars- These scars show up as small indentations in the skin. They occur when the skin does not make sufficient fibroblasts in the healing process. Fibroblasts are cells that play a vital role in the wound healing and the synthesis of collagen. 
  • Hypertrophic scars- These occur when the skin makes a lot of fibroblasts as the acne spot heals, causing a raised scar. 
  • Keloid scars- These are similar to hypertrophic scars but are typically much wider than the original acne spot. They are usually darker than the adjacent skin and can be red or brown. Keloid scars may also cause signs, such as itchiness or pain.
  • ice pick scars- Narrow, deep, pitted scars
  • boxcar scars- broad depressions with sharply explained edges
  • rolling scars- extensivec depressions with a sloping edge

Natural Acne Scar Treatment

Many people use natural treatment to help clear up acne scars, but the science behind them is unsure. Some may cause further irritation or other issues, so people should use them with care.

Home treatment that people have traditionally used to treat acne scars consist of:

  • shea butter 
  • coconut oil
  • raw honey
  • aloe vera gel
  • lemon juice
  • baking soda

Medical Acne Scar Treatment

Many medical treatments are available on site https://www.byoulaserclinic.com/acne-scars/ to help minimize acne scars. A dermatologist may recommend different steps depending on a person's skin type, and the extent of the scarring. As the name advises, ice pick scars are very deep acne scars that seem like the skin has been punctured withb & an ice pick. When human body produces too little collagen in response to an injury, frustrated scars such as ice picks can form. "They are usually the hardest to correct," says Gerald Imber, MD, a plastic surgeon in NYC Medical treatments for acne scars include:

acne scars BEFORE & AFTER

Chemical peels:

A dermatologist can suggest a type of peel that is suitable for a person's skin form, acne severity, and scarring. The authors of a 2019 review on treatments for acne scarring note a study that observed that six of 10 participants are using a specific form of chemical peel called trichloroacetic acid (TCA) had at least an 80% improvement in their acne scarring. Other chemical peels may be less reliable. For instance, 25 percent of those who are used glycolic acid did not see any reduction in the look of scars. A person may need to try various types of peel to determine which one works for them.

Dermal filler:

Periodically, dermatologists may recommend using soft tissue fillers to minimize the appearance of scars. Dermatologists may select a filler that consists of a collagen-based product, which may need allergy testing. Alternatively, removing fat from one other parts of the body to use may be an option. They can also use other industrial fillers, such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), hyaluronic acid (HA) and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Dermal fillers work best for atrophic scars, but many are momentary. Treatment typically lasts between 6 as well as 18 months.


Injections of corticosteroids may assist with the treatment of raised acne scar tissue if a man has either hypertrophic or keloid scars. The treatment generally consists of a series of injections. A dermatologist can do these injections in their office once every week, monitoring the final results.


Microneedling is the method of inserting tiny needles into the skin surrounding the scar to stimulate the entire body to make more collagen. This collagen may decrease the appearance of acne scars by smoothing out the skin. In a 2019 review, microneedling provided an improvement of 40 to 70 percent in the appearance of acne scars. However, microneedling can lead to side effects. Many people experience redness, pain, and inflammation after the treatment, but these results subside over time.

Laser treatment:

Laser treatment resurfaces the skin area without the use of chemicals or scrubs. It cleans the uppermost layer of skin to reveal the younger skin cells underneath, which can assist reduce the appearance of scarring. Laser treatment is not suitable for everybody, however, as its success is mostly dependent on the acne scarring that a individual has and their skin type. The treatment may also occurs reaction in some people, especially those with hypersensitive skin.


Acne scars can be an undesired reminder of acne and may reduce self-esteem in some persons, but they do not have to be permanent. Persons have success using one or more home  remedies. In cases of stubborn scarring, receiving the best Acne Scar Treatment can also support to get rid of acne scars.
