Ramadan Calendar For the Year 2019. Why Ramadan falls on a different date every year.

  • 6 years   ago
Ramadan Calendar For the Year 2019. Why Ramadan falls on a different date every year.

Every year Ramadan fall on a different date according to the Georgian calendar but it falls on the same day as per the Islamic calendar. According to Islamic calendar Ramadan month is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. The difference between the two calendar is one is Islamic or Hijiri Calendar have 354 days whereas the Georgian calendar has 365 or 366 days. So every year Ramadan starts eleven to twelve days earlier than the preceding year.

The Georgian calendar is a solar calendar whereas the Hijiri Calendar is lunar calendar. So the Georgian calendar follows the movement of the sun and the Hijiri calendar follows the movement of the moon. So, according to the movement of the moon, the dates change for Islamic Calandar. Below we have given the Ramadan Calendar for the year 2019 with sehr and Iftar timings. Download the image and keep it for the future reference.

