Free Meals, Balcony Concerts: 15 Kind Acts During Coronavirus that Prove Humanity is Infectious

  • 5 years   ago

"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."


The exacerbating coronavirus pandemic makes one reminiscent of the opening lines from Charles's Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. Only this time, it's the tale of Planet Earth itself.

With the number of deaths due to coronavirus swiftly crossing 7,000 in just a span of months, the virus seems to have brought out the best and worst of humanity. While on the one hand, there is an immense amount of racism being subjected towards Asians, specifically the Chinese, and petty hoarding of essentials like hand-sanitisers, there are also outpourings of love and kindness that have popped up across the world.

From offering free supplies and lodging to legal and mental-health support or even just simple acts of kindness to cheer up a person in quarantine, COVID-19 has brought out some of the best sides of humanity in recent days.

1. Rooftop Fitness Classes

A fitness instructor in Sevilla, Spain, refused to let coronavirus make him or his neighbours unfit while in quarantine. Unable to go to the gym or hold regular classes, the instructor decided to give classes from his rooftop for his neighbours to follow from inside their homes.


2. Heart of Gold

Jackson Frank, a Gonzaga University student from Spokane, Washington in the United States, took to Twitter to offer financial help to anyone affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Within instants of posting, the student started receiving a barrage of requests from people in need. And it seems he sent each one of them some form of help. Wondering how a college student managed to offer much aid to everyone who sought it? According to reports on local Spokane media, Frank's Twitter not only attracted those who needed help but others who could offer help as well, thus allowing him to provide much-needed aid to people who had lost their incomes due to heavy quarantining and lockdowns to contain the pandemic.


3. Quarantine Serenade

An adorable video of two young children, Taran Tien, 9 and Calliope Tien, 6, from Ohio, US, won the internet recently after they serenaded their elderly quarantines neighbour with a cello performance from their porch. The two little budding cellists performed for their 78-year-old neighbour who had put herself on self-quarantine.

4. Exclusively for seniors

A grocery store in Cornwall, United Kingdom, has been opening shop early to give time to the elderly to shop without hindrance. The store, called the Constantine Bay Stores has been inviting the elderly citizens, or more specifically, those born on or before 1950, to come to do their shopping from 8 am to 8.30 am every day. Called "The 1950s Club", the initiative is meant to provide a safe and comforting environment for the elderly, who are at high risk of being infected by COVID-19, to shop for essentials and groceries. Not just Constatine, convenience store chains like Woolworths in Australia and others like Iceland Foods in Belfast, Iceland, have also initiated similar plans.

5. Community Birthday

That awesome moment when an entire quarantined apartment block in Lebanon came together (from their respective apartment windows) to celebrate the birthday of a woman who couldn't leave her home to celebrate. In a video that went viral, the woman can be seeing giggling while readying to cut the cake, even as her neighbours sing Happy Birthday for her.

6. Kindness Postcard

Another story from Cornwall, UK, saw a woman called Becky Wass slipping in little "kindness postcards" to those in containment, offering to run errands and provide the outside assistance they require while in quarantine. Her husband John Green took to Twitter to share the Wass's initiative online. In the postcard, the Wass asked others to "spread kindness" and not the disease. In the postcard, the made boxes that patients or those in quarantine could check such as getting groceries, posting mail, or just giving them a friendly phone call.


7. Helping Hand

A woman called Rebecca Mehra went viral on social media for helping an elderly couple shop for groceries when they were too afraid to go inside the store. A former Stanford runner, Mehra said that she found the couple huddled in a car and too scared to go to inside the store for fear of getting infected. She asked them if she could help and they gave her a $100 bill along with a list of groceries. Mehra obliged and bought the items, much to the relief of the couple. The random act of kindness cheered many up on Twitter.


8. Caremongering Canadians

Canadians have started about 35 or so "caremongering" groups on Facebook to take acre of the needs faced by people in quarantine. One of the first such "caremongering" groups was set up by Mita Hans and Valentina Harper along with the help of others in order to fight "scaremongering" or the spread of misinformation and fake news about the global pandemic. In the last week, Candians have successfully managed to launch "caremongering" as a movement in the country with several individuals joining such groups to help out those in need.

9. Pizza love

A Pizza parlour in San Jose called Pizza and Pasta has been delivering food to those above the age of 70, free of cost. People have also been donating to their fund in order to aid hungry and needy people with food.

10. Corona-Library

When a school was sent into lockdown for an indefinite break, a librarian called Tom Bober decided to give children the opportunity to continue reading while at home by lending large numbers of books to children. Before sending the children home, Bober took all the students to the library and let them choose whichever books they liked. Imaged of gleeful kids with cartons of books lit up social media.

11. Love thy neighbour

In a heartwarming incident, a Twitter user called Florencia Chang-Ageda shared how her neighbour had brought over vitamins for them while they were in quarantine.

In fact, people from a variety of places have been coming up with innovative ways to help their neighbours in this time of need.

12. COVID-kits

A Muslim couple, Jawed and Asiya, who run a cornershop convenience store called 'Day Today store' in Falkirk, Scotland, have been giving away free COVID-19 kits to help the elderly from getting the disease. They prepare the relief packages which include a hand sanitiser and face mask and personally deliver them to vulnerable neighbours, completely for free.


13. Tips Galore

Customer of a restaurant in Houston, Texas called Irma's left behind over $9000 in tips to help sustain the employees of the restaurant that went into lockdown due to the pandemic. With the staff looking at no work for an indefinite number of days, the tips would be divided equally among the staff.

14.Balcony operas

Italians went viral across the world and almost started the global trend of singing opera, love and patriotic songs from their balconies while families were stuck at home in quarantine.



15. #StopHoarding

When a considerate neihbour left a sealed packet of toilet paper at a doorstep amid intense hoarding of the commodity.

Source: News 18
