Eight healthy holiday eating strategies

  • 3 years   ago
The holidays can be a difficult time for those who are struggling to eat healthy. Worrying about overindulging can create more stress to this season of joy. The good news is there are ways you can savor the culinary delights of the holidays and still be healthy.
 When you face daily food temptations, keep calm and plan to be a bit more flexible this time of year. Here are some tips for nourishing your body while joining in on the festivities. 
1.When the weather is cold and dry, it is important to stay hydrated. Drink adequate fluids such as six to eight glasses of water daily. Keeping hydrated will keep you in check. Sometimes the feeling of hunger is really a need for more fluids. Once you have a glass of water, you are no longer feeling hungry.
2. Fill your plate with fewer calories. You can enjoy a full plate of food when it consists of leafy green salads, vegetable dishes and lean proteins (chicken and fish), and includes smaller portions of richer options. By the time you fill up on protein and a side of vegetables, you will eat less in the way of empty calories. Beware though, not all holiday vegetables are healthy options — for example, green bean casserole and yams drenched in marshmallows. Try to avoid foods that are fried or cooked in oil or butter, and skip heavily sugared or carbonated drinks. A good strategy is to reduce foods high in sugar and saturated fats. That way, you can eat a larger amount of food for fewer calories and not feel deprived. Also moderate alcohol intake.
3. Replace refined grains with whole grains such as whole wheat. Rolls and breads are often in abundance at holiday dinner tables, but they can be very low in fiber. Eating whole-grain wheat products in place of white refined flour products will provide additional fiber and nutrients, and keep you feeling fuller longer.
4. Downsize portions. Choose smaller portions so you can try out most of the foods that are offered at the holiday meal. Choose larger portions of vegetables and lower calorie options. Portion size really matters.
5. Keep healthy snacks at the office. Before you splurge on a high-calorie snack, try eating a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts and then walk around the office for five minutes or climb a few flights of stairs. Having healthy options around can help you maintain your healthy eating.
6. Increase exercise. Take a walk after your meal or snack. It will help you maintain moderate portions and burn calories as well.
7.Slow down during meals. Eating more slowly allows you to taste and really enjoy your food and beverages. You will have more time for the food to be digested, thus making it more difficult to overeat. It may take a good 20 minutes for you to realize you are feeling satisfied from the food you have eaten.
8. Choose your indulgences wisely. All foods are allowed on a healthy meal plan. Moderation is key. Rather than inhaling four sugar cookies at the office, allow yourself one as a dessert treat. Then make a little switch later in the day to account for those extra calories. Maybe skip that mid-afternoon latte or afternoon snack. And instead of wasting calories on foods that you can have at any time of the year, pick items that are truly special and unique to the season. You will appreciate the indulgence more and stress less over it. 

Source: The Gardner news
