5 exercises to offset 'too much sitting' while working from home

  • 4 years   ago

Supported warrior one with hip flexor release

This move stretches out tight hip flexors and compressed side waist muscles from too much sitting.

Place your left hand lightly on top of a chair or desk, and move your right foot back so that your left leg is in a short lunge position. Drop your back heel and point your toes out slightly. Bend your front knee to align above your ankle, keeping your back leg straight.

Inhale as you lift your right arm up and over your head. Exhale as you side bend to the left, feeling your left lower ribs rotate inward. Avoid arching your lower back. Press the front of your right hip forward to release your right hip flexors.

Hold for three long, deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

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Source: CNN
