What are the benefits of taking a turmeric supplement?

  • 3 years   ago

Health fads come and go, but once a while there will be a trend that pops up, makes a significant impact, and stays. This appears to be the case with turmeric. Turmeric has been recognised for centuries for its myriad of health benefits, but only in the past decade has it become popular as a dietary supplement. Turmeric is a plant that is native to Asia. It is often used as a cooking spice but has also been used to treat conditions such as arthritis, heartburn, high cholesterol and many others. It contains the chemical called curcumin that has been shown to reduce inflammation. If you are considering introducing a turmeric supplement to your diet, continue reading to learn more about the various benefits turmeric has to offer. In a market riddled with countless turmeric supplement options Research Verified reviews will tell you more about how to distinguish between supplements to help you choose one that is safe and right for you.



Arthritis occurs when inflammation affects the joints. The body’s white blood cells and immune proteins protect the body from infections, bacteria and viruses. When there are no damaging substances to fight off, the body’s immune system will trigger an inflammatory response that will damage its own tissues, resulting in arthritis. Symptoms can include redness, the swelling of joints, joint stiffness, joint pain and loss of joint function. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress. Turmeric is a strong antioxidant that can neutralize the free radicals to eliminate pain. It also works by blocking inflammatory cytokines and enzymes that cause arthritis.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, has been shown to improve the function of the endothelium which is the lining of the blood vessels. Complications that can occur related to the endothelium dysfunction include blood pressure, blood clotting and other issues. Studies have shown that turmeric can be as effective in improving endothelial function as exercise or prescription medication. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and oxidation properties can also affect a person’s risk of developing heart disease.

Improved Brain Function

Neurons are brain cells that transmit nerve signals back and forth from the brain at up to 200 mph. Recently, research has found that neurons are able to form connections and can multiply and increase in numbers. Brain derived neurotrophic factor is growth hormones that provide instructions for making the protein found in the brain, which promotes neuron survival. Common brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and depression have been linked to low levels of BDNF. Research has indicated that curcumin can actually raise levels of BDNF, which can reduce your chances of developing a brain disorder and can improve brain function. It may even reverse brain and age-related disease in brain function. Although research is inconclusive, increased levels of BDNF are thought to improve your memory.

Whatever, the reason you are considering taking a turmeric supplement, turmeric’s health benefits are undeniable. Schedule a visit with your doctor to talk about implementing a turmeric supplement for a healthier lifestyle.
