Have you taken selfies with ‘7’ sculpture at MIA park ?

  • 4 years   ago
Have you taken selfies with ‘7’ sculpture at MIA park ?

MIA park a perfect and safest place to hangout with friends and family 

Adjacent to the Museum of Islamic Art  is MIA Park where you can stroll, participate in activities or just gaze at the Doha skyline from the best vantage point in the city.

MIA Park is the perfect place to take a stroll or for your children to run around in complete safety.

Things you can do in park 

1. Rent a cycle: Bike rentals for adults and children are available in MIA Park and are located near the carousel. Rental tickets can be purchased at the carousel portacabin.

2. Family picnic at park: Spent quality time with your family by doing family picnic

3. Take selfies at RICHARD SERRA SCULPTURE: Standing at the end of the MIA Park pier is a large sculpture. Known as the ‘7’ sculpture, this almost 80-foot high steel artwork was designed by American artist Richard Serra.

Source : http://www.mia.org.qa/


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But if you do get together in person for a holiday picnic, your best bet is to keep the party small, especially if you’re including guests from outside your household.

If you’re going to a public place such as a park, make sure there’s enough room for you and your family to set up and maintain proper distance from other people and families. Here are some ideas on what to bring.

Hand sanitizer.

Plenty of water.

A large blanket.

Portable chairs for those who are not able to sit on the ground.

Sun protection and bug repellent.

Paper plates and napkins.

Disposable knives, forks and spoons.

Trash bags to take your trash home if public trash cans are full.

Have fun and do share your selfies with us. 
