What is Jaaxy?

  • 5 years   ago
What is Jaaxy?

Introducing Jaaxy

Keywords are what are used to find websites, articles, subject matter, and whatever is being sought or searched for online. The most common resource is Google. The name has become synonymous with an internet search and its doubtful that will change anytime soon. A keyword search tool includes Jaaxy picks up where Google leaves off. Jaaxy Keyword tool is ranked 98/100. How much does Jaaxy cost? The first 30 searches it is $0, pro membership $ 19 monthly and for the Enterprise membership $49 month. Jaaxy tool can be tried for free first before making a decision about paying for it. If you are going to post something online, it will be very valuable to have a tool that will help you determine the keywords that people are using to find a particular thing online. 

When searching for a keyword tool many ask themselves what will the tool do to you? Would it help to know the frequent searches made? Would it help to know how many websites are using the same keyword? 


Pros of Jaaxy

It is simply more than just a keyword search tool, competing websites for the same keyword, search analysis is included, it has the ability to create customized lists of keywords, the search history is included, there is the search for niches, Affiliate search programs are included, Jaaxy affiliate programs are included, website rankings are included, brainstorm queue is included, there are multiple price levels, it is easy to use and training on how to use it is included via video that is narrated and conducted by one of the co-founders who walk viewers through different processes step by step and this can be viewed over and over again.

Cons of Jaaxy

You can become dependent on it when you use Jaaxy for a long time, there is no visible support tab once inside the website.

Although there are no support tabs, there is a blog where question and answers are posted. There is a "contact us" tab where the email can be sent and a response is made usually the same day.


There are three price points, Free- first 3 searches cost $o when you sign up for a free account. The second one is a pro $19 per month that allows for unlimited searches and full benefits, and lastly, we have the Enterprise that is $49 per month for power users who want more of everything and want it quicker.

A Jaaxy keyword is easy to use and it provides valuable and easy to understand information. It gives the number of times in the past that the keyword has been searched for, the number of websites containing the keyword and the availability of the domain name for a keyword.

The ability to try the service free of charge and be able to feel for it before making payment for it is a great feature. There is no contract to sign and its just a month to month service and can be canceled anytime. There are no obligations or credit card necessary to take advantage of the free trial. Simply complete registration and start searching. if and when you feel its value, upgrading is a snap. 
