7th time in 8 yrs Kuwait ranked as worst country for expats

  • 4 years   ago
7th time in 8 yrs Kuwait ranked as worst country for expats

As per a survey conducted by an Internations it was revealed that every 1 out of 3 expats is planning to leave Kuwait sooner or later and return back to their homeland or search for another country to settle. 

As per Expat Insider 2021 survey which is published annually by Internations for the seventh time in a row, in 8 years Kuwait has ranked last in the world (59th). The survey is based on those who find it attractive to migrate, reside and work.

The ranking for the best and worst countries for expats are based on 15 indicators: quality of life, leisure options, travel and transportation, health and safety, security and safety, ease of adaptation and stability in the country, hospitality, kindness, making friends, language, working abroad, Job and profession, life and work balance, job security, and digital life.

Kuwait ranked last in the world in terms of quality of life, entertainment options, personal happiness, travel and mobility. Kuwait is also the worst destination for expats in terms of ease of settling. 46% expressed their lack of feeling integrated into local culture whereas 45% felt it lacks stability, 51% expressed difficulty in making new friends and 62% found difficulty in making friends with Kuwaiti citizens.

In the health and safety index, Kuwait ranked 56th in the world, 39th in security and safety, 49th in digital life, and 58th in environmental quality. 53% of expats in Kuwait obtain information through social media. The survey showed a wide divergence in the way expats stay informed about the pandemic. In Bahrain and Singapore, 75% and 74% of expats respectively said they relied on official government channels for information about Covid. However in New Zealand, 69% of expats said they relied on the local news, as did 65% of those in Australia and 60% in the U.K. And in several Gulf states, large majorities of expats said they relied on social media for Covid news, with 59% in Oman, 55% in Saudi Arabia and 53% in Kuwait.

The U.S., which often doesn’t do well in these kinds of surveys, received low scores for quality of life and cost of living. Expats reported a distaste for some elements of the health-care system: Just 20% were satisfied with its affordability, and 19% say the quality of care is negative. That compares with a global average of 14% who rate their care negatively.

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Best countries for expats to live and work in 2021 based on cost of living, stability and overall quality of life were  Taiwan, Mexico, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, Ecuador, Canada and Vietnam. USA ranked 34 out of 59 countries.

Taiwan topped the index for the third year in a row. Expats expressed their appreciation for Taiwan’s medical care, as well as the quality of life. 96% of respondents in Taiwan were satisfied with the quality of care, compared to 71 percent globally. Expats also reported that they were more satisfied with their job security in Taiwan and the state of the local economy than their peers in other regions.
