Kuwait: Vaccinated Expats with Valid Residence Allowed to Return

  • 4 years   ago
Kuwait: Vaccinated Expats with Valid Residence Allowed to Return

During its meeting today, the Cabinet accepted a recommendation to allow vaccinated expats to return to Kuwait. The government spokesman, Tariq Al-Mazram, announced that from 1st August onward vaccinated expats with valid residence will be allowed to enter Kuwait. Only those who have received Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson will be allowed to enter. Expats entering Kuwait will have to stay in home quarantine for a period of 7 days, if PCR test result is negative the quarantine period ends. Expats who have received the specified vaccines in Kuwait will be able to travel abroad and return according to health requirements.

Non-Vaccinated Kuwaiti citizens will be prevented from traveling with the exception of: 1. Age group who are not subjected to vaccination 2. Citizens for health reasons who are not being vaccinated 3. Pregnant women who have obtained certificate from the health ministry. Those who are not vaccinated with approved vaccines will not be allowed to enter malls, restaurants, salons and major complexes. The ban on non-vaccinated people applies to areas of mall which is more than 6000 sq meters. Malls will continue to shut by 8 pm until further notice.


Meanwhile, Kuwait Airways announced resumption of its commercial flights to and from London with one flight per week. In a press statement, Acting CEO of Kuwait Airway Essa Al-Haddad said the capacity of today’s flight was full, noting that London is a very important destination, especially for students and patients. Furthermore, London is one of the most preferred touristic destinations by Kuwaiti citizens and resuming flights is an important step to get back to normal commercial operation after the forced halt due to COVID-19, Al-Haddad noted. He stressed that Kuwait Airways crew is working within the framework of regulations by health authorities in the country, including regular fumigation of planes after each flight, mask-wearing and socialdistancing routines.

The Cabinet held the extraordinary meeting at Seif Palace headed by His Highness Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al- Sabah, the Prime Minister. After the meeting, the Minister of Health, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Acting Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr. Basil stated the following: At the outset of its work, the Cabinet discussed the health situation in the country in the light of an explanation given by the Minister of Health Sheikh Dr. Basel, in which he presented the latest data and statistics related to the total number of cases of infections and deaths, which is witnessing a remarkable increase, as well as the high rate of bed occupancy in hospitals and the number of people receiving treatment in Intensive care. It was also noted that the recovery rate increased to approximately 94.5 percent, praise be to God. The Council also presented the efforts and precautionary measures taken by the Ministry of Health to confront this virus and its changing patterns, especially after monitoring some infections with the mutated delta virus, in order to limit its spread and attack it in a manner that ensures the safety and health of citizens and residents and this requires the continued commitment of everyone to health controls and requirements. Then he presented to the Council of Ministers the achievements of the vaccination campaign against (Covid-19) in the country and the percentage of citizens and residents who received the vaccine according to the specified categories, as well as the percentage of those who are not registered so far.

The Council of Ministers renewed its call to all citizens and residents on the importance of complete adherence to health requirements, stressing the seriousness of this epidemic and the need for cooperation among all to confront it and prevent its spread. In this regard, the Council of Ministers expressed its deep thanks and appreciation for the tireless efforts made by the members of the Ministerial Committee for Corona Emergencies headed by the Deputy Prime Minister And Defense Minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah, in order to study all topics related to the government’s efforts to confront the Corona pandemic, and the Cabinet praised the tremendous efforts and great sacrifices made by all leaders and workers in all sectors of the concerned authorities, especially the Ministry of Health, led by Sheikh Dr. Basil Hammoud Al-Sabah, in facing this crisis. Kuwait, meanwhile, said 1,646 people tested positive for coronavirus while five related deaths were reported on Thursday, taking the total up to 334,216 and 1,842, respectively, according to the health ministry. Another 1,427 people were cured of the virus, raising the total of those to have overcome the disease to 315,645, ministry spokesman Dr. Abdullah Al- Sanad told a press conference. The number of people hospitalised with the virus currently stands at 16,729, with 196 of them in intensive care units, he added, revealing that some 12,448 swab tests were conducted over the last day out of a total of 2,800,861. He went on to urge nationals and expatriates alike that abiding by health precautions, mainly, following social distancing rules, is the only way to halt the spread of the virus.
