Republican U.S. Senator Romney says bipartisan infrastructure plan would not raise taxes

  • 4 years   ago
Republican U.S. Senator Romney says bipartisan infrastructure plan would not raise taxes

A bipartisan group of 10 senators is trying to build support for a new infrastructure plan to revitalize U.S. roads and bridges without raising taxes, three lawmakers said on Wednesday, a day after President Joe Biden rejected a separate Republican proposal.

Revamping America's infrastructure is a high priority for Biden, but his proposal has run into trouble in a Congress only narrowly controlled by his fellow Democrats, making Republican support pivotal.

Republican Senator Mitt Romney told reporters that members of the group have reached "tentative conclusions" on their plan. It is expected to total nearly $900 billion. Biden had been pushing for a much higher figure, initially $2.3 trillion, but later lowered to $1.7 trillion.
