5 Easy And Efficient Plant Care Tips

  • 3 years   ago
Plants add value and freshness to our homes, especially now that we have to spend a maximum amount of time living indoors - they are truly our mates. Just got some potted plants home? Here are a few tips that will help you take care of your new house buddies!
Prune Them Up!
Yes, that's right - you gotta trim your plants regularly. The way we trim our hair to make sure that they stay healthy, in the same way - we should trim our potted plants on a routine basis. You need to get rid of the old-growth on your plant, this will allow new growth to take place. The basics of pruning cuts being - heading and thinning. The heading cuts stimulate regrowth whereas the thinning cuts are most effective for maintaining woody plants. 
Understanding Habitat
You must research the native of your plant, it will become easier for you to take care of your plants. The soil, humidity, temperature, water and nutrient requirement. These being the basics, you should create a stable environment that will benefit the growth and well being of the plant. Sometimes because of our busy schedules, we tend to overlook minute things like - the light in our house! But that ray of sunshine makes a huge difference in the life of your tiny house plant. Hence, make sure to understand the natural habitat of plants.
Fertiliser Yay or Nay?
Let's accept it, sometimes fertilisers can be tricky. House plants generally don't require much fertiliser compared to outdoor plants. Especially if you have recently changed the soil, then it's completely okay to skip fertiliser. Selecting the right type of fertiliser is crucial, don't buy any if you don't know your plant's requirements. Because it may end up harming the plant rather than doing any good. If you feel like your plants require fertiliser on an immediate basis then stick with an all-purpose natural fertiliser or study your plant and get the perfect one!
DIY Planter
Need someone to look after your plants while you are away? But you are tight on your budget to hire a plant sitter? Don't worry we got you covered with a simple DIY idea that will help you take care of your plants while you enjoy your weekend! All you need is a saucer and drainage pot, make sure the saucer is a little bit larger than your pot. Now all you gotta do is fill up your saucer with water and keep it under the pot. This will allow the plant to drink up the water from the saucer while you are away! Make sure it's the same drainage pot otherwise the water will not reach your plant. This is best for plants that do not need a lot of water. Remember this DIY is only good for 2-3 days, also this may not work for plants that require special attention. 

Source: Femina
