Al Ahli Hospital performed a successful emergency surgery on coronary artery bypass graft

  • 4 years   ago
Al Ahli Hospital performed a successful coronary artery bypass graft surgery to a 52 years old patient with obesity, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia, also he was surfing from difficult breathing and severe chest pain even if he did a little physical effort.
Dr. Atef Ben Youssef the Consultant of Cardiovascular Surgery said that the aim of these techniques is to take on restrictions or blockages of cardiac arteries by creating new pathways for the blood to flow. This ensures that heart muscles are getting enough nutrients and oxygen. After procedure the patient will need to spend around 7 days recovering in the hospital.
He highlighted that “The coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure is a longstanding and effective surgical approach to improve blood circulation in the heart. This surgery is necessary when the coronary arteries become blocked or narrowed (a condition called atherosclerosis), leading to coronary artery disease (CAD). It is also be indicated to take on heart attack (myocardial infarction or MI)”
He added, “Cardiac bypass surgeries is a commonly performed, lifesaving surgery for patients with heart attacks and severe disease of the heart’s blood vessels. Patients with heart attacks who are not operated upon in a timely manner can develop heart failure and can die”.
He clarified that “A significant, potentially life-saving procedure, it’s important to have a sense of how CABG procedure works, as well as what preparation and recovery look like. In this procedure, surgeons essentially reroute blood supply around these blockages, by pass them using Mamery artery from the chest and saphenous vein from leg. As many as five affected cardiac arteries can be corrected in one surgery.
As you recover from CABG and beyond, you’ll also want to make some lifestyle changes to promote heart health and a good, long-term outcome. These include: Quit smoking: Among the many reasons smoking can impact heart rate and blood pressure, among other health problems. Do exercise because the Regular exercise not only helps build cardiac strength and help, it can also help manage stress and anxiety, which yields further benefit. At a minimum, aim for daily walks of 30 or so minutes. Also the exercise can manage excess weight.
And you have to eat healthy food: As you’ll be counseled, dietary modifications can go a long way in preserving the outcomes of CABG. This means decreasing intake healthy types of fat like olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados, among others). In addition, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy lean proteins, are preferred.
He advised the patients who think had have symptoms of a heart attack, you should not hesitate in coming to the emergency room or contacting your medical providers.
