Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Meets Defense Minister in Libya's Government of National Accord

  • 4 years   ago
MOFA Qatar
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani met here on Thursday with HE Defense Minister in Libya's Government of National Accord Dr. Eng. Salah Al Namroush, who is currently visiting Doha.
During the meeting, the two sides discussed bilateral cooperation relations and the latest developments in the situation in Libya, in addition to topics of mutual interest.
HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani affirmed Qatar's support for the sovereignty of Libya, and reiterated welcoming the declaration of a ceasefire in all Libyan territories.
His Excellency also expressed the wishes of the State of Qatar that the ceasefire agreement would be a step forward in the path of a comprehensive political solution that preserves the unity of the Libyan territories, respects the rights of the brotherly Libyan people, and establishes a state of law and civil institutions.

Source: MOFA Qatar
