Foreign Ministry's Special Envoy for Climate Change affirms Qatar's efforts in confronting climate change

  • 4 years   ago
HE the Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Climate Change and Sustainability Bader Omar al-Dafa affirmed that the State of Qatar is working to plant one million trees, explaining that the State of Qatar seeks, through these efforts, to confront climate change by adapting the latest technological means to achieve this goal.
HE stressed on the importance of helping the least developed countries obtain fresh water.
During his participation in a session within Qatar Economic Forum, Powered by Bloomberg, HE spoke on the topic of water scarcity and its future solutions, pointing out that human civilizations that flourished throughout history originated next to water sources, explaining that population increase led to a rise in demand for fresh water for both cultivation and domestic use.
He emphasised the importance of using technology to confront climate change, noting that there is water waste that requires developing solutions by investing in infrastructure to be able to conserve water and reduce waste.
He pointed to the importance of education and raising society's awareness about water, and the responsibility of community members towards preserving it, adding that countries with desert climate such as Qatar and countries in the region should raise awareness among children about the importance of conserving water. He emphasized that this issue is an investment for the future.
At the conclusion of his participation, he praised the Forum, noting that this type of meetings provides an opportunity to think collectively, and contribute to exchanging ideas and working on developing solutions that benefit the public and private sectors to reach low-cost solutions to protect water sources and invest in innovative technology to improve water productivity.

Source: QNA
