Hamad Medical Corporation sets to Mark Patient Safety Awareness Week 2021

  • 4 years   ago
Under the theme “Together, we are Better, Stronger, Safer: Bringing the care team together for patient safety”, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) sets to mark Patient Safety Awareness Week (PSAW) 2021 from June 10 until 12. 
A tweet by HMC said that during the course of the three days, national and international experts will discuss and share lights about the latest enhancements in healthcare and healthcare workers' safety.
In a statement on the HMC website, Dr Moza Hassan Alishaq, PSAW 2021 Organising Committee chairperson and executive director, Clinical Transformation - Corporate Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, stated: "Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Qatar's healthcare providers have come together as hospitals, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and many other frontline staff, first responders and leaders to urge our residents to protect themselves, their neighbours, and their loved ones amid the worst global crisis in generations.”
Dr Alishaq said that, "2020 was a year filled with many emotions from a sense of fear, sadness, accomplishment, joy and so much more. And we recognise that 2021 continues to offer challenges. We send our gratitude for your ongoing steadfast efforts to keep patients safe and ensure patient safety is everyone’s responsibility, year-round." 
"To continuously remind us the importance of patient safety, we will be hosting this year’s Patient Safety Awareness Week, June 10-12, 2021 under the theme 'Together, we are Better, Stronger, Safer: Bringing the care team together for patient safety,” she added. 
 She concluded by saying that, "As healthcare providers, we must lead in educating our staff and public about important patient safety issues. Thank you for your continued participation and partnership as we work together to increase patient safety awareness.”
Registration for the three-day programme can be done through the below link: https://registration.masterbadge.com/NewOnlineRegister.aspx?Eventid=570#no-back-button
This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions - Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 8.75 CPD hours.
