HMC Covid-19 hospitals list telephone numbers for enquiries

  • 4 years   ago
As the cases of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is surging rapidly in Qatar, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) listed various telephone numbers of Covid-19 hospitals in Qatar for all queries that is concerned with patients during the ongoing pandemic. 
The numbers listed are: 
Al Wakra Hospital main number: 40115060
Hazm Mebaireek General Hospital: 4024 0222
The Cuban Hospital: 4015 7777
Surgical Specialty Center: 4439 6762
Mesaieed Hospital: 3305 6541
Ras Laffan Hospital: 6613 0897
Since the worsening of Covid-19 was witnessed in the region, HMC has also seen a record breaking increase in the number of hospital admissions in the country. As of April 18, the overall number of patients in the hospital admitted are 1,370 and the total number of people admitted into ICU is 467. 
Every individual suffering from COVID-19 symptoms must immediately contact the helpline number 16000. This is vital as the earlier the disease is detected the easier it will be to receive the right treatment and recover from it.
