Individuals holding golden frame can enjoy additional privileges

  • 4 years   ago
The government implemented many concessions for the individuals holding golden frame in their Ehteraz application as they are allowed to enjoy more privileges in the country than the unvaccinated people. Since its second phase of the restrictions were lifted on Friday, these restrictions that are in place due to the global pandemic are seen to be lifted gradually as these privileges vary according to the nature of each of the four phases of gradual lifting. 
In compliance to the policies that are set for those fully vaccinated individuals, in Qatar they are allowed to enjoy more freedom and privileges than the ones who have not received a vaccination against Covid-19. 
These privileges enable them to travel and go back to normalcy without further restrictions imposed due to the global epidemic.
In order to limit the effects caused due to the global crisis, some of the countries have restricted travel and mobility, while others have resorted issuing health passports for the individuals who obtained both the doses of Covid-19 vaccination, and they are named as “safe travel corridors”  in those countries for fully vaccinated individuals.
With the regards to this issue, the State of Qatar exempted individuals from undergoing a mandatory quarantine procedure if they were fully vaccinated and were given additional privileges of social gathering, where 10 people can gather in confined spaces. 
The privileges includes accessing barber shops, beauty salons, and conducting wedding ceremonies in venues with 40 people and at least 75% must be vaccinated among them.
Other facilities include a limited capacity of individuals visiting malls, fitness centers, spas and health clubs for all vaccinated individuals in addition to giving them health and hygiene access in the outlets. 
