Labour Ministry highlights importance of preventing employees from heat stress in open sites
- 4 years ago
The Ministry of Administrative Development Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA) highlighted the significance of preventing the workers from heat stress, exhaustion, as part of its commitment to protect the migrant workers. MADLSA also stated the company’s and employer’s commitment in following the ministerial decision no. 7 of 2021 on the above-mentioned preventives.
Under this decision carried out by the ministry, working hours for work performed under the heat or sun in open work sites, non-shaded and ventilated premises are determined during the summer time, which is from June 1 to September 15 each year, so that it is not allowed to undergo for that particular time to commence their work from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
During the past month, MADLSA has carried out numerous inspections and recorded violations of employers working in open sites, which resulted in shutting down companies that did not abide ministry’s guidelines.
The ministry has also issued a guide, which aims at giving the workers in Qatar more support in order to prevent them from heat stress and exhaustion during this summer season.