National Sports Day restrictions due to the surge of COVID-19

  • 3 years   ago

Given the fact that we are amid a global pandemic, no group activities or contact sports will be allowed during this year’s Qatar National Sports Day (NSD). Especially with the increase of the COVID-19 cases and concerns, says the Organisers. 

NSD’s organizing committee amended the previously announced conditions and requirements to ensure the safety of all participants and to minimize the chances of spreading the infection, according to the statement released. 



This year’s National Sports Day will only feature  individual and outdoor sports activities with a maximum of four participants allowed. Participants will have to maintain a physical distancing of at least 3m to limit infection, as per health ministry measures.


Additionally, group activities and sports where there is a high chance of contact or proximity between players are prohibited, the statement adds. Any activities inside closed halls are also not allowed. And they called on all institutions not to hold any NSD activities in places where there could be crowding. 

The decision is based on joint coordination with the committee and Qatar’s Ministry to find an appropriate course of action to allow the community to enjoy sports while also limiting the spread of the virus. 
