Qatar condemns attacks that took place in Ontario

  • 4 years   ago
The State of Qatar expressed its strong condemnation and denunciation of a hit and run that took place in Ontario Canada, and left four members of a Muslim family dead
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement today, the State of Qatar's firm position of rejecting violence, terrorism, and criminal acts, regardless of the motives and reasons.
The statement also expressed the condolences of the State of Qatar to the families of the victims, the government, and people of Canada. 
Four people killed after a car jumped the curb and ran into them on Sunday night were deliberately targeted in an anti-Islamic hate crime, Canadian police said on Monday.
"It was pre-planned and premeditated and that's why first degree murder charges were laid," London Detective Superintendent Paul Waight told reporters.
Waight said police in London, about 200 km (120 miles) southwest of Toronto, were liaising with the Royal Mounted Canadian Police on potentially filing terrorism charges.
A Canadian man has been arrested.

Source: QNA
