Qatar University's DBES celebrates international Day for Biological Diversity

  • 4 years   ago
The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences (DBES) at Qatar University (QU) celebrated the International Day for Biological Diversity to raise the awareness and understanding of the significance of maintaining the environment's balance and achieving sustainable development goals, especially after raising global factors inlcusing climate change, pollution and overexploitation of natural resources as the causes of biodiversity loss.
Different scientists across the globe, including those from the DBES at Qatar University, are primarily focusing on inventions and researches to obtain the best method to conserve biological diversity. Prof Mohamed Abu-Dieyeh, acting department head at Biological and Environmental Sciences, explained QU's position in preserving natural resources by saying that, "The mission of QU is to promote any science, academic programmes, courses and scientific activities that preserve living and non-living natural resources.”
In a statement, QU said that, in spite of the fact that the campus is being increasingly urbanised, Qatar University is one of the very few universities that allocate large land areas on the campus as natural protected areas.
Prof Mohamed al-Ghouti, professor of Environmental Sciences, said that, “Qatar's national biodiversity policy seeks to foster biological diversity protection and environmental balance, as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and equitable distribution of biodiversity benefits. Excessive use of natural resources is one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss around the world, as it wastes natural resources and threatens the environment.”
"Qatar's environmental sustainability strategy is one of the most important pillars of the national strategy that aims to achieve sustainable development in various aspects to achieve environmental balance and curb excessive exploitation," he added.
Dr Fatima al-Khayat, assistant professor of Biological Sciences, discussed on the votality of preserving biodiversity for the upcoming generations: She said that, "Preserving biodiversity is a shared responsibility that means preserving the heritage and wealth of nations because of its economic importance and in view of the acceleration of human activity that invades many natural environments and threatens wildlife, which results in an imbalance in the ecological balance.”
She further added: “That is why we should preserve the biological heritage remains for the next generation by establishing seed and gene banks, and the appropriate environment for endangered native organisms."
Dr Radhouane Ben Hamadou, associate professor of Environmental Sciences, highlighted that, "The more significant microorganism, plant, insect and animal species there are in one area, the greater the biodiversity and the healthier the ecosystem will be. The food and water we consume, the air we breathe, the energy that drives our life.”
He also said that, “Our health and wealth are all supported by a variety of species, providing us with an infinite number of services, supporting life and making Earth the only living planet. Any loss of a species means losing a function within the environment, means losing a service to humans."
Dr Yousria Soliman, associate professor of Environmental Sciences, said that, "The causes of biodiversity loss are multiple, but the most important is the destruction of habitats due to overexploitation and urbanisation. Pollution is another threat to biodiversity, especially as those pollutants cross the borders of countries through air and ocean currents, affecting broader regions. 
“Global warming and climate change are on the list of causes for biodiversity loss. The average global temperature will likely rise 2C by 2050, which will lead to rising sea levels, leading to the disappearance of thousands of plants and animals," he added. 
