QNCECS Organised Virtual Introductory Meeting on Professional Personnel Program

  • 4 years   ago
Qatar National Committee for Education, Culture, and Science (QNCECS) organised a virtual introductory meeting for the Professional Personnel Program “JPO”, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), with the participation of a number of Qatar Foundation candidates to be introduced to the program.
The JPO program is a great opportunity for Qatari youth to integrate into the work of the UN and gain experience within an international work environment.
In this context, Rossella Salvia from Unesco gave a presentation that contained basic information and an introduction to the JPO, its objectives, and the process for selecting JPOs. The presentation also provided examples of jobs held by junior professionals in the culture sector, including intangible cultural heritage, cultural policy, and communication to ensure the diversity of cultural expressions.
The experiences of Qatari employees enrolled in the program were presented. Hamad Al Naimi, who is currently working in Africa and Public Relations sector, talked about his experience, saying, “I joined the JPO program on October 2, 2019, for two years. 
“The ‘Priority Africa and External Relations’ sector is concerned with ensuring Unesco’s strategic position within the UN system at the global, regional, and national levels, in line with the strategic direction and programmatic priorities of the organisation’s vision. 
“I have been assigned with various tasks over the past few months in the Priority Africa and External Relations Sector of the UN, ranging from coordinating relations with UN agencies and IGOs, to monitor the activities of various UN agencies and intergovernmental organisations in order to monitor ways to strengthen relations to ensure the best possible mandate for Unesco.”
Nasser Al Qadi from Education Above All Foundation, who is working in the financial sector, spoke about his experience saying, “I work as a Junior Professional Officer with the Budget Monitoring and Reporting Team of the Office of Financial Management, Unesco headquarters in Paris and I was commissioned from Education for All from September 2019 until August 2021.”
“The Office of Financial Management is responsible for providing financial and accounting services, preparing integrated budgets (every two years). In addition to monitoring financial performance and reporting related thereto, developing financial and budgetary policies and operations, as well as providing administrative support to field office operations.
At the end of the meeting, Ibtisam Al Emadi, who is responsible for the program said, “We hope that these meetings will achieve their goals of exchanging opinions, visions and searching for the best methods that activate and revitalise this program among young graduates. 
The program will also achieve an increase in the number of Qatari youth, in order to enhance the presence of the State of Qatar in the international arena and various fields.” 

Source: QNA
