Seven arrested for violating mandatory home quarantine requirements in Qatar

  • 4 years   ago
The designated authorities today arrested seven individuals for violating the mandatory home quarantine requirements they were asked to follow, which they are legally accountable for in lines with the procedures of the health officials in Qatar.
The violators who were arrested came in accordance of the preventive methods enforced in the region, approved by the designated health authorities represented in the Ministry of Public Health, in order to restrict the rapid spread of the surging novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the country.
The violators, who are currently being referred to the competent prosecution are:
1- Khalid Hamad Abdullah Al Nasheera Al Marri.
2- Saleh Obaid Hamad Saleh Al Makhdobiyah.
3- Masoud Mohammed Masoud Qatami Al Marri.
4- Bernanda Baswan Ram Akan Baswan.
5- Fahd Abeen.
6- Sheer Kneeml Kneel.
7- Sameer Othman.
The designated officials urged all the citizens and residents in Qatar who are at present undergoing home quarantine to fully commit to the Ministry of Public Health's condition, to make sure their safety and the safety of others are kept in place. 
The authorities also added that any individual who violates the quarantine requirements will be subject to article no. 253 of law no. 11 of 2004, provisions of law no. 17 of 1990 on communicable diseases, and law no. 17 of 2002 on protecting society. 
