Show your support this world cancer day, urges MoPH

  • 4 years   ago

Every year, 4 February is observed as World Cancer Day. This global-uniting initiative, driven by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), aims at raising worldwide awareness and inspiring action for a cancer-free future. 

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and its partners observed World Cancer Day 2021. This year’s theme was “I am and I will”. It aims at raising awareness of cancer, the importance of early detections and focuses on the methods of preventing cancer. 

The participating organizations, including Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), Sidra Medicine and Qatar Cancer Society (QCS), conducted a webinar, highlighting success stories of cancer care in Qatar despite the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Furthermore, the Cancer Awareness Calendar for 2021, highlighting the months dedicated to cancer awareness, was launched during the event. These dates are derived from the evidence-based injury data published by the Qatar National Cancer Registry. 

Speakers at the webinar included MoPH Director of Public Health Department Sheikh Dr Mohammed bin Hamad Al Thani, Medical Director of the National Centre for Cancer and Research (NCCCR) Dr. Mohammed Salem Jaber Al Hassan and Acting Director of the National Cancer Programme Amid Abu Hmaidan. Dr Al Hareth Al Khater, senior consultant physician and deputy medical director of NCCCR, acted as the moderator. 

The panel was headed by Dr Khulood Al Mutawa, head of Non-Communicable Diseases Section, MoPH; Dr Shaikha Abu Shaikha, Screening Programmes manager, PHCC; Dr Ayman Saleh, division chief, Paediatric Hematology Oncology, Sidra Medicine; and Dr Hadi Mohammed Abu Rasheed, Head of Professional Development and Scientific Research Department, QCS. 

Dr. Mohammed opened the panel, with a note, describing World Cancer Day as a day unifying people and communities around the world to raise awareness and implement the necessary interventions to fight cancer. 

Dr. Hassan added how Qatar’s health care system is effectively dealing with cancer, focusing on reducing its impact by providing high-quality care, the best possible support and patient experience. 

He pointed out that while advancements in treatment options, including surgical techniques, screening tests, radiation, chemotherapy and immunotherapy, will help patients live a better and improved life, prevention and early detection are the keys to improving patient outcomes. 

According to him, health care professionals are responsible for raising the awareness about cancer. They should be committed to focus on prevention and early detection of cancer to increase people’s understanding. 

Hmaidan said, “Despite the obstacles related to closures and working-from-home conditions during the pandemic, the National Cancer Programme was able to close the final lines of the general cancer governance system in Qatar.” 

The National Cancer Programme can now hold or schedule meetings related to the National Cancer Committee using the remote communication tools approved by the government. 

Hmaidan remarked the launch of the cancer awareness calendar 2021 as a teamwork of its various partners. 

Dr Mutawa shared his thoughts on how upholding health care workers' collaborative efforts as a cancer community would help make things better. He has faith in their partnership and believes that 2021 would be the year of recovery, bridging the gap between health literacy and cancer awareness amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. He believes that working together and learning from the past would contribute to the community’s progress. 

Dr Abu Shaiktha further adds that 2020 was a year of challenges, while it was also full of achievements. The efforts of the various health care institutions in the country helped overcome the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, making it easier for people to return to normal life gradually, while continuing the fight against cancer.

Dr Abu added that changes in lifestyle and adopting a healthier regime, such as exercising and eating a healthy diet, would help reduce the chances of developing cancer. 

Mona Ashkanani, General Manager of QCS, spoke about how “I am and I will” campaign intends to save millions of preventable deaths, pressing governments and individuals across the world to do their parts to reduce the global burden of cancer.
