Google Calendar Now Lets You Specify If You'd Like To Attend An Event Virtually Or In-Person

  • 4 years   ago
Google Calendar Now Lets You Specify If You'd Like To Attend An Event Virtually Or In-Person
The second wave isn't quite completely beyond us but because of lockdowns and movement restrictions, a lot of us are being forced to work and study from home. This means that meetings, events and classes that used to be held in person continue to being held virtually for most.
However, as more people get vaccinated, we’re beginning to see the return to some semblance of normalcy. Offices and other institution are slowly beginning to open up in limited capacities but most workplaces have settled for a hybrid solution where a majority of people continue to contribute from home.
Well, to help offer a middle ground to those workplaces, Google has introduced some small changes to Calendar invites. Users can now, essentially, specify if they are attending a meeting/ event in person or virtually. According to Google's blog post talking about the introduction, “Then, both the organizer and guests will be able to see how attendees are planning to attend the meeting in the event detail. This will help meeting attendees know what to expect when joining a meeting, and prepare accordingly.”
It’s an minute change and it’s not going to change the way Google Calendar works much, but given the situation we're all in, it might be a while before everyone's ready to walk back into workplaces. So being able to tell which participants are virtual will help organisers a great deal to plan around meetings easier.
According to Google, the new RSVP feature will be rolling out tomorrow and will be available for all Workspace and G Suite Basic customers in the coming weeks. The feature will also trickle down to calendar invites on Gmail, but it could be a while before that happens.
