How to Avoid Spam—Using Disposable Contact Information

  • 4 years   ago

10 Minute Mail

10 Minute Mail creates, as its name implies, email addresses that last just 10 minutes. For those 10 minutes, you can check any incoming messages through a simple web interface (in case you need to verify the address exists after using it), and you can get an extra 600 seconds added to the life span of the email address if you need it.

This is for truly disposable email, though—where you want to sign up and then forget the sign-up ever happened. You should still be able to log into the app or service you've signed up for, but once the email address gets trashed, you won't be able to reset your password, delete your account, or do anything else you need a working email address for. Depending on the service, you might be able to change your disposable email address for a real one, if it turns out that you want to keep your new account long-term.


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Source: Wired
