4 Ways to Escape the Heat in Qatar
- 8 years ago
Escaping the heat in Doha is no small feat with temperatures that regularly exceed 44-degrees. The summer heat is especially bad when you have to really get creative to find things to do to make the heat level bearable.
Here are four ways to actively escape the heat level in Qatar:
There’s nothing like taking your friends to the movies with you. Escape the summer by locking yourself away in an air-conditioned movie theatre. Watch the latest movie releases on the largest screens with a thumping sound system testing your ear drums. The Novo Cinema, aka The Pearl, is worth a visit to enjoy the best that Hollywood and world cinema has to offer.
The Novo Cinema is a step up from the traditional cinema in luxury. Because of this, its prices are higher. You always have the option to go to a regular cinema at one of the numerous malls in Doha where tickets are cheaper.
Well, not quite. There are two ice skating rinks available for adventurous people who don’t mind falling down a few times before they get the hang of skating forward and back on the ice. The City Center Mall hides a nice rink on their ground floor (it’s a closely guarded secret) and there’s a second rink at the Gondolania complex over at Villaggio Shopping Mall in Al Wabb , near the Aspire Zone. The latter gets our vote for the nicest rink, but either option is fine for beginners and amateur skaters who just want to have a bit of fun, try not to fall down too much, and get out of the sun for a while.
Whether you wish to shop until you drop, eat out or find some high-end retailers to expand your credit card balance, there’s something for everyone in Doha. Enjoy the AC in frigid Ezdan Mall or over at the Landmark Malls in Gharrafa. Worth a stop is the popular chicken chain Nandos, which serves up its usual spicy peri-peri chicken and chili fries to dazzle your taste buds, and a soda to wash it down with.
People watching is a great way to pass the time in the malls. When you’re done with that, there’s ample clothes shopping to be done in the British Matalan chain, or in Villaggio Mall with its luxury designer brands at impressive prices.
The last thing you need on a hot day is to discover that your air-conditioner unit has shut down on you. When looking for a quick AC repair Dubai from a team of professionals who offer AC fitting, maintenance, and repair services, AC Maintenance Dubai is worth a look.
People don’t realize that AC units require maintenance to avoid further unexpected service failures. The air filters must be changed on a regular schedule to avoid developing a build-up of germs that could be infectious for occupants.
It helps to get a little creative when trying to stay cool in Doha. Keeping busy with interesting activities is something that is plentiful here, so there’s very little chance of getting bored while escaping the heat.